Sign Up, Or Shut Up

Take a look at this photo of President George W. Bush and his extended family and point out the people who are currently serving the cause of freedom in Iraq.
Go ahead, I'll wait.
Finished? How many did you find? None? That's absolutely correct-a-mundo.
Many in the blogosphere have pointed this out. Most recently, one of our favorites, BuzzFlash. Warning: the good folks at BuzzFlash pull no punches, so if you are ultraconservative, I mean, ultrasensitive, you might be offended, and are excused.
Now that the "ultras" are gone, here's what BuzzFlash had to say:
Bush and Cheney were cowards who avoided service in Vietnam, sending other men to die for them. Now, they've made elitist craven "warmongering" a family affair.
They are frauds who send off the children of other American families to die in one of their many delusional "fiascos." And then they mistreat the wounded veterans, after not giving them sufficient protective gear to begin with.
It's the treason borne of men who personally lack the courage of their convictions.
Now, those of you who have the great fortune to know me personally, know that for years I've maintained the following:
If you are pro-war, and have not volunteered to serve yourself, nor encouraged your like-minded relatives to do so, you have no business criticizing others for their opposition. In other words, shut the hell up.
Now wait, I can hear you saying, "It's our constitutional right of freedom of speech."
Sure it is. Just as it's my right to say you are hypocrites.
So, either put on a uniform and go serve the cowardly commander in chief, or shut up. It's that simple.