Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Reid caught with hand in the cookie jar

Politicians are all the same regardless of political affiliation.

Take Harry Reid, the Democrats leader in the Senate. He fails to report transfer of property on which he eventually makes a bundle and uses campaign funds for personal expenses.

So, how does he deal with? By amending his ethics report and reimbursing the campaign for his personal expenses. As if this wipes the slate clean.

We've said it before and we'll say it again: Throw all the bums out.

Walton for Nobel Peace Prize?

We live on too thin a margin to pay The New York Times for the "privilege" of reading John Tierney, but this blurb caught our eye:
I don't want to begrudge the Nobel Peace Prize won last week by the Grameen Bank and its founder, Muhammad Yunus. But has he done more good than Sam Walton?
Sam Walton for a Nobel Peace Prize? Could someone with more resources than sense please subscribe to TimesSelect and let us know if this is Tierney's argument.

Granted, most of the exploitation by Wal-Mart comes from his greedy heirs after Sam's death, but a Nobel?

Too much.