Monday, September 10, 2007

Homeland Security Failures

The Department of Homeland Security has failed to produce a comprehensive plan in the event the United States suffers another major terror attack or natural disaster. What else do we expect from this government?
The agency has proved far better at developing security plans than at implementing them. Even so, it has yet to meet Congress’s demand for a comprehensive, national plan to respond to another major terrorist attack or Katrina-size disaster. Critical barriers remain in such basic areas as emergency communications, computer integration, border defense and an effective program for information sharing among the various intelligence-gathering agencies.

These failings were at the heart of the 9/11 disaster. And there’s no reassurance to hear Homeland Security officials defend their slow progress, arguing that there has been no similar attack since. As another grim anniversary approaches, the G.A.O. assessment is an urgent reminder of how much more still needs to be done.


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