Sunday, September 17, 2006

What the world has come to

This from MSNBC:
MOGADISHU, Somalia - An Italian nun was shot dead at a hospital by Somali gunmen Sunday, hours after a leading Muslim cleric condemned Pope Benedict XVI for his remarks on Islam and violence.

The nun, who was not immediately identified, was shot in the back at S.O.S. Hospital in northern Mogadishu by two gunmen, said Mohamed Yusuf, a doctor at the facility, which serves mothers and children. The nun’s bodyguard and a hospital worker were also killed, doctors said.
O.K. Did anything in particular jump out at you?

How about "nun’s bodyguard"?

Why does a nun need a bodyguard? Why would you put yourself in a place where you would need a bodyguard to do your god's work?

This is one sick world.


Blogger Diego said...

With the Democrats wanting to undermind the GOP, this world is only going to get worse.

Check this out

10:01 PM  
Blogger jake said...

diego, I'm not a big fan of the Capital D's, but I'm less of a fan of the Bushco goosesteppers. Only now are some of them showing a bit of independence, and that is a good thing.

However, I'm afraid that, like all politicians, they are changing only superficially, blowing with the wind of popular sentiment.

As for the Capital D's "wanting to undermind [sic] the GOP", if any party's policies needed to be undermined, it's the ones of the current majority party.

5:57 AM  

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