Where are the real Republicans?
A. Alexander has an interesting piece at the Progressive Daily Beacon entitled "Neocrazies and Their Delusions."
Here is his lede:
The right-wing zealots and radical Republicans, especially the Neocrazies, have a pretty sick and demented way of screaming talking points back and forth and over and again. They continue to engage in this manner until convincing their simple and weak minded followers and themselves that their own lies and delusions are facts. One of the more prominent cases of self-delusion involves the notion that we are mysteriously engaged in something like World War Three. At least that is what the certifiably insane Republican extremists from Glenn Beck to Newt Gingrich would like us to believe. Even worse than the delusions and illusions, is the fact that there is no way of convincing these extremists that their facts-challenged ideas aren't based in reality.
His rhetoric is a bit over the top for our tastes, but in spite of that minor flaw no rational person who has been paying attention for the past five years can argue with his point.
But the question is what happened to the real Republicans? You know, the sane ones. The Republicans that believe in less government, balanced federal budgets, diplomacy, etc.
Why have they let this happen to their party? Are they frightened of what the current party leadership will do to them if they speak out?
Is A. Alexander right and the Neo-Cons are really crazy? Are sensible Republicans worried that the Neo-Cons will stop at nothing to remain in power?
Please come back and resume control of your party. America needs you.
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