Monday, October 23, 2006

No change a comin'

Republicans are getting scared they might just lose control of Congress.

Democrats are wanting to make sure the right-wing hanky-panky from recent past elections wil lnot continue this time.

But will things really change if control of Congress goes to the Dems?

What assurances will they make that they won't fall into the same old habits that brought about the 1994 Republican Rebellion?

What assurances have the Republicans made that they will change their ways if they retain control?

It's all bullshit, folks, no matter who's in charge.

Until we, the people, decide we have had enough, nothing will change.

We have the government we deserve.

What fools we are.


Blogger Diego said...

Now this is freaking where in that article that I saw, did it mention anywhere that Republicans are scared, it only got off on the tangent of the war in Iraq, Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

I think in writing this you are prematurely celebrating with too much time left until Election day. Though I can understand why you would feel this way, I mean because all of the 'Drive-by' media is predicting the Republicans to lose.

What I find funny though is that 1 month ago, the Election was a lock, then it went to Democrats are trying to remain positive, next to Democrats have lost their gain, to now, the Republicans are getting scared.

I agree with certain points you made here, do not get me wrong, but I do not think that Democrats having control will do this country justice.

9:12 AM  
Blogger earth2you2 said...


Surely you're not that stupid. It doesn't take a genius to understand that the Republicans are running their scare tactic ads because they are scared.

And where do you get the idea that the blog author is celebrating a Democratic victory? I don't see anything in his post that says that.

His point is that the greed and corruption will continue no matter who's in charge.

9:58 AM  
Blogger jake said...

Thanks for understanding the post, earth2you2.

diego, you seem to think I'm a Democrat. I am an independent who votes American.

There's a lot wrong with this country, my friend, and it can all be traced back to good, old-fashioned greed, which transcends political affiliation.

Will this country be better off with the Democrats in control of one house of Congress. NO. But we're sure in sorry shape with only one party controlling everything.

And it's not really the Republican party; it a fringe of the party that knew exactly what buttons to push on certain voters.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Diego said...

Earth2you2...are you that stupid that you think the RNC or even the DNC would not counter any claims put on by the other party? Yet, Republicans do counter, thus, you say 'Oh, they must be scared...'

Let's face it, the confidence that the Democratic Party had 100 days ago is no longer there, it went from certainty to questioning what will happen.

The idea of a Democratic Victory came from the links, maybe you should take the time to click on them, then you would understand...

Oh yeah, maybe you forgot this quote that I had in my first comment..."I agree with certain points you made here, do not get me wrong, but I do not think that Democrats having control will do this country justice."

Let me spell that out for you, I agreed with some of the points he made pertaining to the greed.

10:37 AM  

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